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I have a workspace published on FME Server that works lika a self-service where users can upload a shapefile, upload a pdf file and give information via user parameters.

The Esri Shapefile reader has workflow option "Single Merged Feature Type"

Running the workspace on FME Server works fine. I have created a server app for users to run the workspace and running the server app does not work.


Does anyone know what could be causing this? Thanks in advance!


This worked without a problem on FME Server 2021.1

Now we use: FME Server 2022.1.2 Build 22627

Hello @annafor​ what is the error? Are you receiving it from the app's web page or after submitting the job via the app? I'd suggest reviewing any file resources and connections the workspace may be using and ensuring that other users have access.

We also have a troubleshooting guide for FME Server Apps that may help:

Hello @annafor​ what is the error? Are you receiving it from the app's web page or after submitting the job via the app? I'd suggest reviewing any file resources and connections the workspace may be using and ensuring that other users have access.

We also have a troubleshooting guide for FME Server Apps that may help:

Hello @mattmatsafe

From the app's  web page i get "FAILURE" as a respons. The log file contains warning messages but I am uncertain that those warnings should make the skript fail. I have attached the log file.


Hello @mattmatsafe

From the app's  web page i get "FAILURE" as a respons. The log file contains warning messages but I am uncertain that those warnings should make the skript fail. I have attached the log file.


Thanks @annafor​, the log file abruptly ends, which indicates the engine running it is likely crashing. Which is very unusual, since it runs successfully as a standalone job. Do other .shp files cause the error or just this one? I haven't seen that warning before, I'm wondering if the .shp file may be corrupt.

I would recommend taking a deeper look at the other log files, especially the <FMEServerSystemShare>\\resources\\logs\\core\\current\\fmeserver.log, to see if there is more information, but this may require a case creating a case.

Hello @mattmatsafe

From the app's  web page i get "FAILURE" as a respons. The log file contains warning messages but I am uncertain that those warnings should make the skript fail. I have attached the log file.


Hi @mattmatsafe​, attached is a part of the log file from <FMEServerSystemShare>\\resources\\logs\\core\\current.


We have tested different cases and found the following:


  1. Script/server apps where a user uploads a .shp file (a temporary folder is created here: FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_SYSTEM/temp/upload) and the script contains custom transformers which is based on python.



  1. Script/server apps where a user uploads a file. (No python in the script)
  2. Script/server apps with a UNC path to a .shp and the script contains custom transformers which is based on python.


We use python 3.8+. This is our Startup Python Script:


from datetime import datetime

TIME_START ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')



Do you have any ideas?

Hello @mattmatsafe

From the app's  web page i get "FAILURE" as a respons. The log file contains warning messages but I am uncertain that those warnings should make the skript fail. I have attached the log file.


Hi @annafor​ , have you tried setting the Python compatibility to 3.8? This can be set for the workspace in FME Workbench under workspace parameters > scripting > Python Compatibility. If that works, you can also set 3.8 as your preferred python interpreter for future workspaces by going to Tools > FME Options > Translation.

Hello @mattmatsafe

From the app's  web page i get "FAILURE" as a respons. The log file contains warning messages but I am uncertain that those warnings should make the skript fail. I have attached the log file.


Hi @mattmatsafe​, yes we have set the Python compatibility to 3.8 in the workspace!

Hello @mattmatsafe

From the app's  web page i get "FAILURE" as a respons. The log file contains warning messages but I am uncertain that those warnings should make the skript fail. I have attached the log file.


Ok, thank you @annafor​ . I would suggest reaching out to your partner to take a closer look at this. If they are unable to determine why the engine is crashing, they can always create a support case with us to help investigate.
