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This morning the security's certificate for FME Server Javascript Api v3 seems to be invalid :


That cause a lots of problems over here, all our FME Server web apps our down!


We had to switch urgently some apps in http. It's working but the interface is a little bit different.


Maybe in the future we'll consider hosting our self the Javascript file.

Can confirm, I discovered this earlier today and I've already flagged it with Safe. Hopefully they'll fix it real soon.

For info, this issue seems to concern the entire domain, including the FME Server Playground.

Hi @philippeb​ & @david_r​, thank you for reporting this. We have our experts looking in to it. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

I'm sorry for the downtime you are experiencing for your applications, workflows, and services! I can understand it must be a major inconvenience.


The FME Server JavaScript API has not been upgraded recently or seen the same level of improvements that are provided through the REST API. At a future date, we may deprecate the FME Server JavaScript API and subsequently remove it (don't worry, nothing has been decided yet and this wasn't a test!) But that brings me to an important question – how are you using the JavaScript API and what functionality would you need from the REST API in order to make a smooth transition?

We would really appreciate if you would add your thoughts to this FME community posting, or you can contact me directly ( to discuss in more detail.


As noted by Liz, we are aware of this issue and hope to resolve it soon. Thank you so much for posting!

I've just remembered that I'm subscribed to Safe's notifications about downtime services. Per example if FME Cloud is down, I receive an email notification. In my opinion, this is very useful.


I can't find the webpage though, I saw that several months ago from a post made by @mark2atsafe​ 


Maybe it would be cool to receive an email if their is any problem with the API ? It would have save us a lot of time to find out where the problem was from.


Thank you all for your responses.



I've just remembered that I'm subscribed to Safe's notifications about downtime services. Per example if FME Cloud is down, I receive an email notification. In my opinion, this is very useful.


I can't find the webpage though, I saw that several months ago from a post made by @mark2atsafe​ 


Maybe it would be cool to receive an email if their is any problem with the API ? It would have save us a lot of time to find out where the problem was from.


Thank you all for your responses.



@philippeb​ The URL is – I can check in with the team if this JavaScript API can be added.

Hi @philippeb​ & @david_r​, it sounds like it was an expired SSL certificate that caused the issue this morning. It has been fixed, but it may take up to 24 hours for all platforms to be restored to full functionality. Sorry about this inconvience and we are looking into ways to prevent this from happening in the future.

Hope this will be fixed asap!

C166560 FMEServer.js SSL server certificate has been expired? 2020-10-05

@philippeb​, @david_r​, & @Takashi Iijima​ All sites are back online. Thank you for your patience.

@philippeb​, @david_r​, & @Takashi Iijima​ All sites are back online. Thank you for your patience.

Thanks for the update!
