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It's quite often that FeatureReaders get 'stuck' at reading features, everything is loaded fast through the <Generic> port but the <Schema> is loading almost 1features/second. How can this be improved?

I'm attaching my options



Do you use FeatureCaching? Switch it off and try again. In my FeatureCaching has a enormous impact on performance, especially with CAD data as these features have a LOT of attributes. And every feature from every transformer is written to you RAM, generating a massive amount of I/O.


If this is it, and you still want to use FeatureCaching, you can use Bookmarks to disable / enable FeatureCaching for specific parts of you workflow. FeatureCaching will be disabeled for transformers in closed bookmarks. Personally I'm not a big fan of closing and opening Bookmarks as it rearranges the transformers and my brain has a hard time handling that, but this is how it works at the moment.


I also see the "Explode blocks into entities" parameter checked, you only want to do this if you really need it.
