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Good morning,

When creating the publication, I select the smtp protocol and type in my email username. Then validate. for some reason, this is not working on my server. It confirmed the DNS. Any thoughts? It keeps telling me that it cant find the publisher.

@LauraAtSafe , @RyanAtSafe.

Hi @gerry

Did you check this link



Good morning Danilo,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I checked that one out. We are trying to use the server SMTP instead of creating an account. I can try to ask IT to create a headless account and try Imap as a last resort, but we really want to leverage the server.

Hi @gerry,

Are you seeing an error when you attempt to validate the publication or is the error appearing within the smtp publisher log file? Could you please upload a screenshot of the error message or copy/paste the full error text? That may help in getting a better picture of what might be causing the problem.

Good morning Laura,

please see picture below:

I have the name of the publication match the name of the email, for example,, I have tried as well.

I think that at this point, it might be more efficient to have a call. would that be a possibility?


Good morning Laura,

please see picture below:

I have the name of the publication match the name of the email, for example,, I have tried as well.

I think that at this point, it might be more efficient to have a call. would that be a possibility?


Hi @gerry That error does make it seem like there's something wrong with the SMTP Publisher on your FME Server instance. I agree, I think a support call would be useful at this stage. To set that up, could you please create a support ticket through this form: and add a link to this QA. I'll keep an eye out for it.

