I need to automate the download of a Shapefile (as a ZIP) from a site which requires authentication. The Shape-reader will read a ZIP directly from a URL, but does not allow for authentication params. I have looked at HTTPFetcher but unsure how I can get this to download the file for me. Anyone?
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try inserting the username and password in the request URL:
If you are going to use the HTTPFetcher, then have a look at the save file and output filename parameters, when set to yes, you can specify a location to save the shapefile.
David is correct. I use this all the time and if your parameters were something like this:
ftp site: ftp.cocacola.com
username: breX_login
password: 12345678
path of where your shapefile is on the site: datafolder/all/shapefile.zip
You would put this full path into a reader. That reader can simply be an Esri Shape reader. Then type the following (based on my example above) into the Dataset field:
Then click OK. It's as simple as that.
FYI: Be patient because typically it takes a few moments for the Reader to appear in your FME Workbench job. It's having to make the connection and find the folder and the shapefile.
That should have said GOOD LUCK not GODD LUCK ...