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I'm hoping that someone could shed some lights on this issue which I'm experiencing and not related specifically to FME 2020.2


So basically if I make a change in a Reader / Writer, i.e. changing the path of the destination then (Re)/Publish the workspace, I can see the changes made in FME Web UI but in Automations, the settings remain unchanged. That is problematic.


I changed the DFS path from "MVGIS02-Data" to "GIS-Data".


FME Server WebUI

FME Server-View Workspace 





Similar behaviour occurs when a Writer's connection is changed in Desktop then Published, FME Server does not pick up the change. So I'm having to replace the existing Writer for it to work.





Hi @sameer​ ,


This is expected behaviour. If you have published parameters in workspaces that are being submitted to run via an Automation/Schedule or Server App, the values for these published parameters are not updated when you change the default values and re-publish the workspace to FME Server. The reason for this is because when you configured this Automation/Schedule/Server App you may have manually updated the published parameter to something other than the default values and so we chose not to revert this back to the defaults whenever the workspace is re-published.


Therefore on all of these pages you'll find a refresh button and clicking on this will update the published parameters to the default values that were set in the latest version of the workspace.


If you are not planning on setting this value in FME Server, you may wish to remove the publish parameter or make it private, and then it will always pick up whatever was set in the workspace.

Hi @sameer​ ,


This is expected behaviour. If you have published parameters in workspaces that are being submitted to run via an Automation/Schedule or Server App, the values for these published parameters are not updated when you change the default values and re-publish the workspace to FME Server. The reason for this is because when you configured this Automation/Schedule/Server App you may have manually updated the published parameter to something other than the default values and so we chose not to revert this back to the defaults whenever the workspace is re-published.


Therefore on all of these pages you'll find a refresh button and clicking on this will update the published parameters to the default values that were set in the latest version of the workspace.


If you are not planning on setting this value in FME Server, you may wish to remove the publish parameter or make it private, and then it will always pick up whatever was set in the workspace.

Hi @hollyatsafe​ 


Thanks for the detailed explanation so I'll bear this in mind.

I've tried the "Refresh" workaround" and the parameter is still set to what it was before.


I've removed the "MapInfo Destination Folder" as a "Published Parameter" in the workspace and re-published it and that worked as you've suggested.


Hi @hollyatsafe​ 


Thanks for the detailed explanation so I'll bear this in mind.

I've tried the "Refresh" workaround" and the parameter is still set to what it was before.


I've removed the "MapInfo Destination Folder" as a "Published Parameter" in the workspace and re-published it and that worked as you've suggested.


Hi @sameer​ ,

It looks like there is a bug in FME 2020.2 and the refresh button is not working in Automations. This has been raised internally under FMESERVER-15708 and I will update this comment once this has been fixed.


I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I'm glad removing the published parameter works in your case, by default all Readers and Writers create an associated published parameter so this is one to watch for when authoring your workflows. If you have other workflows where removing the published parameter is not an option, try changing the workspace from one back to the other and it should pick up the new default values.
