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automatic attribution

  • Contributor
I've been playing a little bit with the new writer functionality of FME 2015 and I'm wondering if there's a way to control the attribute type when using the automatic attribute definition instead of just having the default char 200.

2 replies

  • Contributor
  • January 21, 2015


Create a schema(file) and use schemamapper (explode attributes by import afterwards)

  • Contributor
  • January 30, 2015
Glad you're trying it out.  We're working on an "AttributeManager" transformer which will allow you to set types for things we don't now the type of, and with time the attributes added by transformers willl get to know their types as well. But for now, sadly, best you can do is flip from automatic to manual, which will keep all the names, and then you can fix the types (note that types do come through for attributes that began their lives at a reader). And I just saw today that 2015.1 will have the ability to select several attributes at once, and then flip the type of all of them in one shot.  So definitely long term there will be help here.


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