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We need to check an email account for new emails at an exact time of the day and the poll interval of the email trigger isn't helping us.

We have to configure a 5 minutes interval to get close to the time we want. So why check an email account every 5 minutes when you only need to check it twice a day (7 am and 7 pm)? 

We have tried different poll intervals but the polling behaviour is always the same: it adds a few extra minutes to the interval and the number of minutes added change every time. 


Is there an alternative to using the email trigger to check for new emails that let us fix a time it should be checked?

I don't think the standard email automation trigger allows for this kind of fine-grained control and I'm curious as to why you need to check at such an exact time.


Thinking out loud here, you can set up the automation with the email trigger but disable it. Then enable it through a HTTPCaller making a Rest API call and put that workspace on a schedule.

I don't think the standard email automation trigger allows for this kind of fine-grained control and I'm curious as to why you need to check at such an exact time.


Thinking out loud here, you can set up the automation with the email trigger but disable it. Then enable it through a HTTPCaller making a Rest API call and put that workspace on a schedule.

I would never had come up with such a solution/workaround. It's a bit intricate but it may work.

We'll try. Thanks!!


Answering to your question, the customer receives emails twice a day at an exact time about critical events that may need quick action. We have no control or power of decision about why it is done like that. Our assignment is to process that information quickly.
