I recently needed to run the same workspace (command line) with two different target setups, but I wanted to see separate log files for each run. Simplified example:
fme.exe myworkspace.fme --p1 ABC --p2 DEF
fme.exe myworkspace.fme --p1 XYZ --p2 KLM
So I had FME create a workspace parameter (--LOG_FILE) for this value. This value is normally blank, prompting FME to use the workspace file path with "log" extension.
I.e. my setup had the first run without a value, and the second run with a value for the log file..
However, I found out, that the value given in the second run are somehow reused in the first run at a later time !?!
Is this a correct observation, that FME somehow caches the last parameter values given to the workspace, and reuses these whenever the same workspace is run at a later time (and no other values are provided) ??
I got my two runs to work only when both set the "LOG_FILE" parameter.