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I recently needed to run the same workspace (command line) with two different target setups, but I wanted to see separate log files for each run. Simplified example:

fme.exe myworkspace.fme --p1 ABC --p2 DEF

fme.exe myworkspace.fme --p1 XYZ --p2 KLM

So I had FME create a workspace parameter (--LOG_FILE) for this value. This value is normally blank, prompting FME to use the workspace file path with "log" extension.

I.e. my setup had the first run without a value, and the second run with a value for the log file..

However, I found out, that the value given in the second run are somehow reused in the first run at a later time !?!

Is this a correct observation, that FME somehow caches the last parameter values given to the workspace, and reuses these whenever the same workspace is run at a later time (and no other values are provided) ??

I got my two runs to work only when both set the "LOG_FILE" parameter.


If you leave a published parameter blank on the command line, it will use the default value for that parameter, which is normally the last value used when saving the workspace file.

Could that possibly be the issue here?

If you leave a published parameter blank on the command line, it will use the default value for that parameter, which is normally the last value used when saving the workspace file.

Could that possibly be the issue here?

Well, the workspace isn't re-saved between the runs, so it's not that obvious, unfortunately.


