I'm trying to convert some data into the TOMTOM POI format, but I keep getting errors and the output file is created but not populated. A simplified version of the workspace that generates the same error is here:
The translation log contains this:
TOMTOM_POI writer: Creating layer 'waypoints' with geometry type 'wkb_unknown'
TOMTOM_POI writer: dataset C:\\Users\\myname\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\_14244_1 does not support layer creation option OVERWRITE
TOMTOM_POI writer: Cannot create GPX layer waypoints with unknown geometry type
TOMTOM_POI writer: Unable to create feature type 'waypoints'. Ensure the dataset is valid, that the user has all required permissions and that the feature type name is valid for the format
TOMTOM_POI Writer: In Feature Type 'waypoints', 'fme_table_handling' has invalid value 'CREATE_IF_MISSING'. Possible values include: 'CREATE_IF_MISSING', 'DROP_CREATE', 'USE_EXISTING'
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
How do I convert to TOMTOM data correctly?