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I have a list of counties in Georgia with their corresponding FIPS code (13xxx) where 13 is the state fips for Georgia. Each county FGDB has a a parcel and point feature class and they are named by State Code (GA), FIPS code (xxx) followed by undescore and either point or parcel as suffix.

I'm consolidating all feature types from each county FGDB into one state FGDB. All the features on the reader will  pass through a FeatureTypeFilter transformer so that each feature type will be copied into the new FGDB. However, instead of the original name (GAxxx_point or GAxxx_parcel), I'd like to use the county name followed by the parcel or point suffix and some other prefix.

Without renaming each feature type in the writer, I'd like to use my county/FIPS code list to name each feature type dynamically. Any suggestions?

So... is the county name or FIPS code (I'm not American, so I'm not up to date on whether the first is included in the latter) in the name of both the input parcels as well as the point feature classes?


In that case, you might want to expose the fme_basename (or fme_dataset, if you also need the name of the input FGDB) attribute in your FGDB Reader features. It's on the Format Attributes tab of the Feature Type properties.


Then, extract the part(s) of the name that you need (using a SubstringExtractor or a PythonCaller with regex if needed) and create an attribute containing the output name that you want.


Now, connect this to an output feature type and click "Fanout by Attribute" in the General tab of the Feature Type properties. Select the attribute holding the output name. That should do it.
Sandman, thanks for your response. YOur answer is what I implemented. Its never too late to say thank you.


