Hi @gislogan01,
you could use a generic reader to read all file types. Also you could use a 'Path and Filename'-reader to see what is available on C:\\ and use a FeatureReader to read the files you want to read.
Next you could use a TestFilter to test whether a color column is present. However you will need te define something to test for colour values. Because there are a lot of possible color-codes that will be hard.
A possibility to check all values is to use an AttributeExploder that will create sets of 'attribute name'-'attribute value'. That way you can check every value, but again you will need to think about how to check against color coding. If it always has the same built-up, you could check on that using 'Contains Regex'.
Hope this helps.
Ok, thanks @lars_de_vries, kind of got it.
I used path reader to get the c: location then a feature reader to read the GDB, then a reprojector to a test filter to show the attributes, then link the attributes to a kml styler. but im not sure how to finish it off what writer to use. because i want the output to be a set of KMl files for each feature class in the GDB not just one kml file. any ideas? :)
@lars_de_vries thanks mate, how do i get the kmls to be one for each feature class not just one kml
Ok, thanks @lars_de_vries, kind of got it.
I used path reader to get the c: location then a feature reader to read the GDB, then a reprojector to a test filter to show the attributes, then link the attributes to a kml styler. but im not sure how to finish it off what writer to use. because i want the output to be a set of KMl files for each feature class in the GDB not just one kml file. any ideas? :)
If you go to the Writer settings in the Navigator pane, you'll the option to 'Fanout Dataset'. If you set this option to 'yes' and choose the fme_feature_type attribute as your Fanout Expression, you'll get a KML for each feature class in the GDB.