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I’m trying to emulate a CAD command for offset.  Essentially I want a parallel offset of a line with no curve stroking on the outside angle.  Similar to bufferer but with the ability to make the stroking density a value of 0.  Any easy way to do that?
Can't u the use the bufferer and then coerce it to a line?




btw, if u ofset it too far, it will distort the outer boundary and u won't get a good offsetline...
Thanks Gio,


I tried what you showed, and that works to connect the offset line nicely, however, on the outside offset, it is still a stroked curve.  I'm trying to achieve something like the red line below but on buffer, the minimum stroke density is 1 instead of 0.


Hi Alan,



Here is one that does that.







It is build for a open ended polyline.


If u do this to closed u need add a loopfilter in the customtransformer prior to testfilter and send the loops to extender2.



(i'm trying now to build a lineintersector transformer (vector math, like the offset-affiner) so i can do away with the extending..)


Haves fun.



With a little fiddling i made one that handles closed and open polylines, even when they intersect.





It wont work for curves yet; comming soon!
better picture red are offsets, other lines are original polylines. Buffer is just for visuals.



Wow.  Looks like that does what i am needing.  I will play around with that to try and get it to work in my application.


Thanks Gio

@gio @alan_surveyor did you ever get a workspace/custom transformer completed to do this? I'm looking to do this in one of my workspaces and all these years later there's still no offset tool to do this!






Here is the workspace i made.

I did update it to 2018 (and cleaned it a bit for you) and i not yield nice.

There is some English annotation there. Hope it helps.


Too big offset in relation to the object will of course not yield a desired output. (there is no in-built check for that)


Greets and stay healthy!








Here is the workspace i made.

I did update it to 2018 (and cleaned it a bit for you) and i not yield nice.

There is some English annotation there. Hope it helps.


Too big offset in relation to the object will of course not yield a desired output. (there is no in-built check for that)


Greets and stay healthy!



Thanks very much @gio! It might help me in the interim. By the way, I've created an Idea on the forum to request a 3D parallel figure transformer to do what we're after if you'd like to upvote it?
