Hey All,
So i'm running a pretty intensive FME workflow consisting of multiple workspaces, some memory intensive and some which i didn't think were too bad:
Workspace 1: clip large dataset A by large dataset B;
Workspace 2: take large dataset from postgres rename some attributes and push back into postgres.
My problem is...the memory intensive workspace (workspace 1) ran successfully, but the workspace 2 terminate unexpectedly with the following error:
WARN |The system is running low on memory. FME is at risk of being terminated by the OS. Please read the FME Help section 'Adjusting Memory Resources' for workarounds.
I'm running 64bit FME2015 on a linux box with 32 cores and 64G of ram
So to get the above error is odd. I though 64bit versions of FME managed the memory usage?
I though that as FME should be managing the memory...that as the workspaces are run sequentially one after the other, that the possibly the memory intensive workspace may not have released all the memory after it terminated...is this possible?