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I'm using FME Desktop 2013.



I click on "Add Reader", then I select the format "Oracle Spatial Object" and then I click on the "Parameters..." button.


A new window opens, called "Oracle Spatial Object Parameters". This windows contains fields related to "Database connection", "Constraints", ...


I complete the required fields and click on the OK buttons to add the reader on my workbench. All works perfectly and I can read the data.



Now my question : once added to the workbench, how can I retrieve the "Oracle Spatial Object Parameters" window of the reader ?



Thank you for your help !



the settings you specified for the Reader are available in the Navigator tree structure, usually on the left hand side of the Workbench GUI. You can modify them there.





You can also right-click the settings here to link/unlink them to a parameter (published or private).



Thank you ! But this means that the "Oracle Spatial Object Parameters" window can be opend only when adding the reader ?
Correct. The window GUI is used only to create the Reader object.



Once created, you modify the parameters in the Navigator. This goes for all Readers, not just Oracle spatial object.



In the oracle non-spatial reader there are selections in the Parameter window which  can only be made when you add the reader e.g. table/feature type. There is no option to add an additional table to the reader in the navigation panel. I presume this may be similar for the Oracle spatial reader too.



Hi EGomm,



that is correct, but you can easily add tables/feature types later from the menu: Readers / Import feature types.



Are there other things that cannot be changed later? I must admit that I have never checked...



