I'm looking at starting to publish some of the custom transformers I've been putting together and it occurs to me that while I want to publish them on the FME Hub under an open source license (like MIT, requiring only attribution and nothing else to use), that perhaps I'm not able to as FME itself is proprietary. So I was wondering if I can get some guidance on what I can open source and what I cannot?
For example, if I create my own Python code, that is mine, but if I'm importing fmeobjects, then technically I'm bound by the license for that as my code depends on it.
Similarly, if my transformer just uses the .fmx format, then it heavily depends on the FME internal factories and functions. This would be especially true if my transformer was based on an existing transformer first.
As I'm looking at open source, I'm not looking to get any money out of this. It's just nice to get recognition in the long run. Particularly if Safe one day likes my idea and wants to incorporate it in the base package.
Legally speaking, what can I actually choose?