Surely there’s a better way than this???
I have a json file with lots of attributes hidden in lists. So I use 5 ListExploders to expose those attributes.
The ultimate goal is to then combine all of those attribute fields into one massive table, using the unique identifier field of “NODE_ID”.
As you can see in the screenshot the Node list then feeds into AttributeFilter to reduce the number of features a little.
So far so good… but this is where it goes a bit mad.
I then need to combine all of those 5 exposed lists into one table. FeatureJoiners are then used to try to merge the datasets together.
Those in the left hand bookmark are joined using an inner join to try to get as many features with the same NODE_ID value combined into the same row in the table.
Those in the right hand bookmark then use a full join to pick up any stragglers from the first bookmark.
I have 200 JSON files to work on, and this example uses just one of them, so I have to try to account for all output ports, to ensure nothing is left behind, hence why some connector lines have zero features in them.
I now have 12 FeatureJoiners and it looks like the work of a madman!
Surely there is a better way of working than this!? Is there another transformer that can join multiple data streams together? FeatureJoiner works great when combining just 2 streams, but I have 5.
If anyone thinks that what I’ve done is actually ok then please do let me know!
Much indebted to any of you with any good ideas.