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We have an FME workbench with over 50 transformers that does a CAD to GIS ETL of rooms/polygons.  When I run each CAD file individually, I get the correct results but when I do a batch run (using the "prompt and run" method) with either an entire folder or adding files individually, I get varying results.


For example, I have 5 CAD files for a building in one folder (one file for each floor in the building).  When I run the files individually, I get 1242 polygons which is the correct number.  When I do a batch run as described above, I get varying number of polygons.  The number varies each time it is run so if I batch run ten times, I get ten different number of polygons (i've gotten 1078, 1140, 1025, 1149, etc.).  Any input on what could be causing this/how to fix it?



Thank you
Supplemental info: I'm using FME Desktop 2013 SP1



I think it's difficult to specify the cause if the details of the ETL process are not known. I'd recommend you to investigate where the varying has occurred by checking the number of features which flowed between the transformers after running. If you find out the part of your workspace on which the varying occurred, we might be able to provide the solution.



It's hard to tell. I suggest you check your published parameters and then verify that they are being provided correctly in your batch.



You can quickly install FME2012 and run a batch just to rule out an FME issue. I had experienced subtle errors wit
You can check your published parameters and verify that your batch is providing them correctly.



if that's fine try installing FME 2012 and run a batch. I've experienced subtle differences between FME versions.
Sorry about the double posting...
Steve - How about using two workspaces? First reading files passing them to a WorkspaceRunner which calls your existing Workbench? Might be worth a try!




Hi Steve,



I would try to run FME one time manually and making a backup of the log file. Then I would run FME from your bach with the exact same input file, comparing the two resulting log files. This should be a good starting point for isolating the source of the discrepancies.



I also faced similar problem when exporting DWG files for a specific folders using FME 2010. Later I realised that some of CAD drawings were in created in AutoCAD 2012 format and somehow FME was skipping those files during batch translation.



We asked the users to save DWG files in 2011 format and then it started working fine. But its really difficult to say what could be issue.
Thank you for all the responses.  To follow-up a little bit, the conversion I'm doing is from dgn files to an SDE geodb.  I was not able to find any issues when comparing the log files.  I had also tried the workspace runner route but it was not working out as it was giving me zero output features.  I tried installing 2012 and running but there were a few transformer incompatibilities that I didn't want to tackle so I looked at the transformers and their output numbers a bit closer.  I can see that there is an "AttributeFilter" transformer that filters "blank", "unfiltered" and "1" on the OverlapCount field.  When I run each dgn individually (which is the way it runs to get the correct output), I get all output to "1" and zero output for "blank" and "unfiltered".  When I do a batch run, however, I get zero features output to "blank", some to "1" and most to "unfiltered".  I'm not sure why this would change since I'm using the same files and therefore all features should be outputting to "1".
To me that sounds like it is a "Group by" problem. 



When running multiple drawings some of the transformers need to be "grouped" so that for example room numbers on one drawing don't get connected to areas on another drawing. 



With this kind of problem, the results would be inconsistent depending on what order the drawings are read in.  (but when you just do one drawing everything will work fine)



I'm quite curious on the details of your workspace.  I have created a very similar type of workspace to deal with my DGN room files. 



Feel free to contact me and we can compare methods/issues.  james_blake at
Thanks everyone for the responses.  Blake's suggestion to use "Group By" resolved the issue.  Since the issue was specific to batch runs, adding Group By fme_basename to the PointOnAreaOverlayer resolved the issue.
