The issue I am having is that I want to read in only 1 feature per and therefor end up outputting only 1 feature per type without breaking the already established connections. I have a feature reader with 300+ types of features setup/with connections across a massive work space. If I change the parameter in the FeatureReader to "1" for max features to read, it asks me to select a workspace. Each .dxf "workspace" has only a couple features, but combined with the remaining 100's of .dxfs I get all of features I need. So when I select one dxf "workspace" it only provides x amount of features. If I hit "cancel" at this point then all the features in the reader go away. The "PATH" is setup to parse through all of the .dxfs in the folder. Is there a way to change that parameter in the feature reader without breaking the already established connections?