I have used the FilenamePartExtractor many times with good results. It is very helpful to be able to pass the root folder of the data to other transformers. I have a similar requirement for a workspace, however in this example I wish to use the folder above the root folder as they attribute.
For example, if I am reading the Source data from this path
C:\\WINNT\\Profiles\\user\\Desktop\\roads.shpI wish to use the 'user' folder to fanout the Writer to create an output folder 'user'. I will then fanout by fme_basename to create the roads.shp within that 'user' folder.In this instance the FilenamePartExtractor does not work as it it does not cater for anything above the Folder Name/_dirname = 'Desktop'Can someone help me out to extract the 'user' component of the file path so it can be used as an Attribute Value for Fanout?ThanksAndrew