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How to get all OSM attributes from .osm file

  • April 1, 2020
  • 1 reply


I’m pretty new in using FME and I would like to add raw OSM highway data from a .osm file of iceland to my Geodatabase. So I used the „OpenStreetMap (OSM) XML“ Reader and chose highway as map feature. First it seemed that everything worked well, but then i looked in the attribute table of my GIS and recognized that some attributes are missing, f.e. bridge, tunnel, (see figure 1/2 to see the all fields of the exported OSM file) and some attribute values are emtpy, f.e. layer. (see figure 3).

But the data are complete and all these missing/empty attributes exist in the attribute table of the same OSM data file that i converted as shapefile with QGIS. (see figure 4)

So how can i get all attributes of OSM Data using FME? I tried some parameter settings in the OSM/XML Reader but nothing worked.

Thank you for your help!

1 reply


@atem_94 My understanding is that Bridge and other attributes are properties that may or may not appear on a feature. FME doesn't automatically expose attributes that are properties, but they are read:

Here you can see them in the Inspector Feature Information window (read) but not in the Table View (not in the schema).

You can modify the OSM XML reader configuration file to automatically recognize map features and attributes. But it's probably easier just to add an AttirbuteExposer transformer to make them accessible in workbench.

If your target schema (feature type) has the attributes defined, i.e. bridge. bridge:structure then FME will write the attributes, even though you can't see them in workbench.

There also appears to be a feature class man_made, that includes bridges - man_made_bridge - that has additional bridge characteristics.

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