I collected all of my data into a single feature how can I separate and put them to put in other attributes?
I collected all of my data into a single feature how can I separate and put them to put in other attributes?
The solution would depend on how the feature has the data (multiple values). If the data were stored in a list attribute, for example you could explode the feature with the ListExploder easily.
Hi Takashi;
I attached a sample of excel file that I have and need to separate all comma delimited values between all other attributes
If I understood your requirement correctly, this workflow might help you. The NumToAlphaConverter is a custom transformer from FME Hub. See also the workspace example: csv22none.fmwt (FME 2019.2)
Thanks Takashi
\\Would you mind send me the result that you got?I got it Everything worked Appreciate Takashi