overlooking something.
I have a
workflow that moves x amount pdf’s to a new location with as goal mailing all
the files created by a sub workflow, when starting this workflow asynchronous via
REST with the data download service all files are zipped and mailed to the given
e-mail address via a subscription and topic connected to this flow.
Using the following
format with a GET via rest.
And the following
mail format
type="optional">Your job with
id {id} is finishedDownload
your file here: {downloadUrl}</fmeblock>
Returning a
mail with:
Your job
with id 1 is finishedDownload
your file here: <URL TO THE ZIP>
I’m trying
to get the job ID included in the REST return json but this does not work for
data download. When using the POST to <SERVERURL>//fmerest/v3/transformations/submit/
(with email information and topic in the body) the Job ID is given in the return.
{ "id": 1}
workflow makes the pdf’s but the file copy writer (logically) does not generate
the ZIP files that are made with the data download service. The mail is send
like this:
Your job
with id 1 is finishedDownload
your file here: _undefined_
The question
Is there a
way to (preferably):
Get the jobID
within the data download REST return?
Make and send
the ziplink like the datadownload (zip name needs to be random) in the mail without using a extra transformer in the workflow.