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I've added 7 individual Feature Types to my Workspace and want to expose fme_basename and mapinfo_type for each of them. Is there a quick way of doing this that will save me from having to edit the properties of each Feature Type one by one?

Sure, look at the "Apply to" button at the bottom of the dialog.

Sure, look at the "Apply to" button at the bottom of the dialog.

Documentation (at the end) here:!FeatureTypeProperties/writer_feature_type_props_editing.htm



Found it - you can do it when adding the Reader...

Reader > Add Reader

Select the datasets to read (in this case several MapInfo TAB files)

Click Parameters

Expand Schema Attributes and select fme_basename and mapinfo_type as additional attributes to expose.

Sure, look at the "Apply to" button at the bottom of the dialog.

Fantastic - thanks. I was about to ask how to do it when you've already added the Feature Types.

