I suppose you have referred to this article.
Run an FME Workspace from Python using FMEWorkspaceRunner (http://fmepedia.safe.com/articles/Samples_and_Demos/Run-an-FME-Workspace-from-Python-using-FMEWorkspaceRunner)
I'm not sure what the error code "896902" means, but found the script example in the article has an issue. Each back slash in every string literal has to be escaped, or the literals should be added "r" to the head, like this.
workspace = 'C:\\\\FMEData2014\\\\Workspaces\\\\DesktopBasic\\\\Exercise1a-Complete.fmw'
workspace = r'C:\\FMEData2014\\Workspaces\\DesktopBasic\\Exercise1a-Complete.fmw'
See here to learn more about this.
The Python Language Reference > 2. Lexical analysis > 2.4. Literals (https://docs.python.org/2/reference/lexical_analysis.html?highlight=literal#literals)
It could be caused by your environment - FME version, Python version, workspace implementation etc.
I recommend you to contact Safe support, if it has not been resolved even though you have modified the string literals.
#initiate FMEWorkspaceRunner Class
runner = None
runner = fmeobjects.FMEWorkspaceRunner()
except fmeobjects.FMEException as ex:
print ex.message
runner = None
We just created an FMEPedia article which deals with some of these issues