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I wiould like to convert csv file which has Lat/long in atrributes to KML. I am adding point to KML using "2DpointAdder". It works fine if I have static source schema. But I have csv files with only Lat/long as common attributes and other attributes may vary.



e.g. CSV 1 contains "Attr1,Attr2,Lat,Long"


CSV 2 contains "Test1,Test2,Lat,Long"


CSV3 may contain "Lat,Long,XYZ,ABC,DEF"



What is the best way to convert these csv to KML?








Set the process up as a Dynamic process, then on the canvas add a CoordinateSystemSetter first to define the local grid, then add an AttributeExposer to expose the Long/Lat attributes to the workspace. Now add your 2DPointReplacer (VertexCreator). Now give that a go running several CSVs.



You may also need to expose the attribute fme_basename so that you can fanout to either multiple KML files or multiple KML layers by CSV.



Cheers, Dave
Thanks Dave.