I have several SQL executors spread across a large number of workbenches which I am now moving from the the Development to the Production environment, for this reason I have to change (hopefully in a clever way) the connection strings for every SQL transformer. In order to make it easy and only have to change one parameter I am trying to make the DB connection as a published parameter. There is a parameter text called "Environment" that can either be "development" or "production" this is in turn liked to a conditional value for the parameter "db connection" that should tell the SQL transformer (i.e. SQLExecutor, SQLCreator, etc) which db connection to open. In order to do it I followed the example shown in this answer:
Unfortunately the mechanism does not work, when the workflow hits the conditional value FME (both server and desktop) instead of reading the result of the expression it reads the text of the expression itself (in the internal language that maybe FME use to resolve the conditional statement) see attached.
Is it something I am doing wrong or is it a problem with FME? I have seen quite a few of this "parsing" problem in other places (i.e python scripts, FMEJob submitters). Could anyone help?