I have 29 libraries of DNC data in Vector Product Format that I need to convert. It seems to me that this shouldn't be too complicated, but the problem is that each library has different feature types, for example "gen18a\\grt" is specific to library 18.
My initial tries have been with a powershell script (something that I'm also new at) that looks like this:
Start-Process 'fme.exe' -ArgumentList '"C:\\Users\\mbu\\Documents\\My FME Workspaces\\DNC_conversion.fmw"',
'--SourceDataset_VPF_DB C:\\Data\\DNC\\DNCDX012_025_Japan_North_Pacific\\DNC12\\DHT',
'--FEATURE_TYPES "<All>"',
'--FANOUT_DIRECTORY C:\\Data\\DNC_converted\\M6M\\DNC12_test'
Obviously the FEATURE_TYPES line does not work, but it illustrates what I'm trying to do. The full list of feature types needs to be read and passed to the writer for each library.
As I said, I'm an FME beginner, so if there's a better, completely different way of doing this I'm open to suggestions.