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Is Oracle Linux a supported OS?

  • 25 January 2018
  • 3 replies

With RHEL and CentOS beeing supported platforms it should work, because it is 100% compatible with RHEL.

But has anyone tried this in real life or is there a statement from @FMELizard? ;)

Hello @tino,

We are unsure, if Oracle Linux will support FME. I have spoken with development and we will take a look at this to. I will link this question to the Development forum, and update you of any changes.

@tino, supported or not supported. I'm not sure. But i've been using Oracle Linux platforms almost on a daily bases.

Never had any issues. Even with Ubuntu Which not fully supported by Oracle I believe. Works like charm and it's fast.

Hi @tino, a few months ago, I submitted a similar question to Safe support and got an answer below.

Question -- "C132478 - Is it possible to install and run FME Server on Oracle VM?

A potential customer is planning to introduce FME Server and Oracle Cloud Service, and they require to run the FME Server on Oracle VM (the IaaS of Oracle Cloud Service).
"FME Server Technical Specifications" page doesn't mention about Oracle VM, so I'm wondering if FME Server can run on the environment.


  1. Is it possible to install and run FME Server on Oracle VM?
  2. If possible, what are the important points that I should be aware to do that?"

Answer from Safe Support -- "For the virtualization options, those will just be ones that we've got access to or tested in house.
For the Oracle VM, if it otherwise meets the technical specifications for the supported operating systems and system requirements you should be able to install FME Server on there.

For points to be aware of, I don't believe there would be any additional points to consider that you wouldn't already for an install of FME Server."
