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We have the need to determine OS on which FME destop session is running, such as Windows or Linux/Mac.

For lack of an elegant solution, we get the application path from FME_HOME / FME_HOME_UNIX to make the "assumption". I would appreciate if someone can share better alternatives.

Hi @bo, Python platform.system() method may be helpful.

>>> import platform
>>> print (platform.system())

See also here: Python Documentation > 15.15. platform

Hi @bo, Python platform.system() method may be helpful.

>>> import platform
>>> print (platform.system())

See also here: Python Documentation > 15.15. platform

There is a similar Q&A;: Identify which Operating System is being used?

Thanks, @takashi. I have implemented your solution in my workspace!

I have also made a suggestion on creating a system parameter for OS platform.
