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How to use calculated values (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) as input for a a wfs/wms reader bounding box or search envelope.

  • 16 December 2020
  • 2 replies

Since there is a limit on download I need to add a search envelope on my WFS and WMS import. I got this working in 2 ways: using the search envelope in the parameters of the reader or the XML filter expression.





   <Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::31370">

     <lowerCorner>159221.09606242698 220934.16757763177</lowerCorner>

     <upperCorner>160221.09606242698 221934.16757763177</upperCorner>






My question is how I can use calculated coordinates as an input for this reader. Since the coordinates of the bounding box will change.

(I know it has something to do with user-parameters but I can't get any number in the expression or parameter of the search envelope.)



If you use the FeatureReader, it can also use the trigger geometry as the bounding box. Meaning that you can e.g. use the 2DBoxRelpacer to create the bounding box geometry on the trigger feature.

Also, you may want to look into using the Tiler with the total bounding box as the input, so that you can split the area into several smaller bounding boxes.

Thanks, the FeatureReader does it perfectly! Made my day.

