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How to set FME_TEMP in a Citrix environment?

  • 4 January 2018
  • 2 replies

I have a FME workspace which converts spatial data from an Oracle database to XML using a XMLTemplator and a XML Validator. With an input of 80.000 features, FME stops in the XMLTemplator with the following error:

unable to realloc 447475646 bytes. Error running translation.

With smaller selections (a few thousand), the workspace works fine. We suspect that due to working in a Citrix Evironment (with Windows 10.1) FME_TEMP should probably be redirected to another drive instead of C:\\ to get enough memory space. How can we change the FME_TEMP variable in Citrix?



Or does someone know other possible solutions we could try?

I agree that it could be worthwhile setting a different temp directory. Just make sure it's pointed to a really fast disk.

FME_TEMP is a regular system environment variable (just like PATH, etc.), which should be pretty straight-forward to set up for your IT personnel responsible for the Citrix installation.

If you need specific and detailed instructions, your best bet may be to ask on Citrix-specific forums, unless someone here can help. You will probably also have to supply more information about the product name and version number of your Citrix installation.

Yes, David_R is correct, pretty straight forward to set up.

For the record Safe Software has XenApp 6.5 in place and we make use of the FME_TEMP environment variable. No issues.

I'd be curious to learn your experience in a true multi-user Citrix environment on how "FME on Citrix" handles the FME_TEMP variable. Seems OK on our implementation but there are only a couple of regular users.
