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I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but just in case some has thought through this before...



Is there a way to get FME Desktop to authenticate internet proxy access without having to get the user to add/maintain their details in the tools>option>network tab?



I'm looking to roll out a new version of FME desktop to 200+ users and am exploring wether their is a way to do this during install rather than asking them to do it manually post install.



(mainly i'd like them to have access to FME store transformers.)



Any ideas welcome.






If I'm not mistaken, FME will use the system wide proxy settings by default.



If you need to override them, have a look at modifying the registry settings in your FME Desktop distribution package.



The proxy settings seem to be stored under


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Safe Software Inc.\\FME Workbench\\Settings






Thanks for the reply David, well I just went and retested it, and it would appear that setting the settings simply to 'use system proxy settings' appears to let me through even after I have removed my credentials.



I set it to no proxy and got a rejected feature as i'd expect.(in httpcaller)



Might have to do a bit more digging to understand where FME picked up my credntials from to authenticate, (i.e. from the IE connections settings/AD or are they hidden in the registry settigs for FME still).



Thanks for getting me to try again.



