
Failing to publish workbench to FME server.

  • 26 April 2016
  • 8 replies



I am trying to publish (update) a workbench to FME server. 

Not sure what the problem is. This workbench is called by another WB via FMEServerSubmitter.

It failed with this:

Connecting to '<a href="http://ags103a31:8080</a>'" target="_blank">http://a:8080">http://ags103a31:8080</a>'" target="_blank">http://ags103a31:8080</a>' (web connection, user 'admin')...

Successfully connected to FME Server 2015.0 (build 15253).

Connecting to '<a href="http://ags103a31:8080</a>'" target="_blank">http://a1:8080">http://ags103a31:8080</a>' (web connection, user 'admin')...

Successfully connected to FME Server 2015.0 (build 15253).

Accessing repository list...

Successfully accessed repository list.

Retrieving service properties...

Successfully retrieved service properties.

Retrieving service parameters for 'delta_region_updatechangeevent_runner.fmw'...

Successfully retrieved service parameters.

Uploading as 'delta_region_updatechangeevent_runner.fmw'...

Publish failed - FME Server encountered an error and reported the following message.

The file 'delta_region_updatechangeevent_runner.fmw' is not a valid and recognized file for repository items

Request to <a href="http://ags103a31:8080/fmerest/v2/repositories/Region</a>" target="_blank">http://a:8080/fmerest/v2/repositories/Region">http://ags103a31:8080/fmerest/v2/repositories/Region</a> Processing Runners/items/delta_region_updatechangeevent_runner.fmw returned status code 422.

8 replies

Userlevel 5


Which version of FME Desktop are you using to upload the workbench? Make sure it isn't of a newer version than the one used by FME Server (2015.0).



Desktop is 2015.1.0.3.

So it seems Desktop can not publish to server older than it? What is the solution? Upgrade server?

Userlevel 5

Yes, you should never publish to an FME Server instance that is older than your FME Desktop installation, the results can be very unpredictable. I would say that goes all the way down to the build number of both of them.

You will either need to update your FME Server to FME 2015.1.0.3 or newer, or downgrade your FME Desktop to 2015.0 or earlier.


Thanks for that. Our IT dept will look into it.

However the above problem was caused by a completely different thing.

FME Server was custom installed and it uses oracle DB to store it "metadata"/settings. The oracle tablespace was read-only for some reason. After sorting this I was able to publish the WB.

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Check in log file. May be there is a read only with the database

Badge +6

Got the same error now using FME Form 2023.1.1.1 trying to publish to FME Flow 2023.2.2

Badge +6

Got the same error now using FME Form 2023.1.1.1 trying to publish to FME Flow 2023.2.2


Userlevel 5
Badge +32


Got the same error now using FME Form 2023.1.1.1 trying to publish to FME Flow 2023.2.2

You might be better off creating a new question
