
Check if ArcGIS License is available

  • 27 November 2019
  • 1 reply

I have a customer who currently has only one floating license for their enterprise. We would like to configure our workflow such that it waits until the license is available to checkout and then proceed with the translations. Is there a way to have FME check if a license is available so that I can write a loop that effectively pauses the translation until the license is available?

1 reply

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Hi  @slangley,

you can try to check the license with python script and arcpy. In the startup python script or in a python caller you can verify if the license is availabel:

import arcpy

# ArcEditor string
strArcEditor = 'ArcEditor'

if arcpy.CheckProduct(strArcEditor) != 'Available':
  print "No license are available"


In the if statement you can change the text with an attribute that you can verify in the fme flow and terminate the execution.
