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On the FME Server trial download page, if I choose the win-64 option, my browser starts downloading FME Server 2017.1.2.1-b17725. But reading the Licensing Walk-Through, I get the impression that I can request a trial license for any version of FME Server starting from main version 2016 and later versions.

Question; Will I be able to download and install FME Server 2018.1 from the customer download page, and request a 60-day trial license for my FME Server 2018.1 installation by following the steps in the Licensing Walk-Through? Or are 60-day trials only available for FME Server 2017.1.2.1-b17725 specifically?


Hi @skagen,

Thank you for making us aware of this, I have filed a request to get these download links updated to the latest release. In the meantime you can certainly trial the FME Server 2018.1 by downloading it from the FME Downloads Page.

After you have installed FME Server please follow these instructions to get your trial license, sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Hi @skagen,

Thank you for making us aware of this, I have filed a request to get these download links updated to the latest release. In the meantime you can certainly trial the FME Server 2018.1 by downloading it from the FME Downloads Page.

After you have installed FME Server please follow these instructions to get your trial license, sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Edit - the links on the trial page have now been updated.

Hi @skagen,

Thank you for making us aware of this, I have filed a request to get these download links updated to the latest release. In the meantime you can certainly trial the FME Server 2018.1 by downloading it from the FME Downloads Page.

After you have installed FME Server please follow these instructions to get your trial license, sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Thank you @hollyatsafe :)
