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Background maps used to work - has updating killed the SRS?

  • 25 October 2021
  • 11 replies

Background maps has stopped working - this link:

works in other applications (QGIS 3.16) and used to work flawlessly in FME. Upon updating it has stopped working as a background map, but seems to work as intended in FeatureReader.

What happened to background maps? And what can I do to fix it?


FME Desktop 2021.1.3.0 21631

Interesting as I currently have a customer who also has problem showing background maps.

Just out of curiousity, do the standard background maps (for example the Stamen Terrain map) continue to work?

Interesting as I currently have a customer who also has problem showing background maps.

Just out of curiousity, do the standard background maps (for example the Stamen Terrain map) continue to work?

Stamen works 🙂

Did you test my link?

Stamen works 🙂

Did you test my link?

I tried, but the FME Data Inspector says it can't get the getCapabilities document. Also, I see it's listed as a WMTS service, rather than WMS, maybe that's it, WMTS is not supported.

Which makes it really weird that it used to work... 😲

Stamen works 🙂

Did you test my link?

Yes, it is WMTS, but WMS doesn't work either. Most frustrating is that the link(s) works as intended in other programs.

Stamen works 🙂

Did you test my link?

Hi @mathiku​, sorry to hear you are having issues with basemap. FME Workbench is capable of using WMTS services as basemaps. I have tested this myself in FME 2021.1 and can successfully use the linked WMTS service as a basemap. Here are the steps I took:

  1. In the menu bar click Tools > FME Options
  2. Go to the Background Maps tab
  3. Click plus to add a new background map
  4. Set the parameters as follows
    1. Source: OGC WMTS - you may need to click other and search for this format manually
    2. URL:
    3. Layer: orto_foraar_wmts
    4. Format Options: image/jpeg
    5. Tile Matrix Set Options: KortforsyningTilingDK
    6. Tile Matrix (Resolution) Options: 0
  5. Click Save to close the window


A couple things to note when looking at the basemap in the visual preview:

  • Ensure that the data being viewed is in the same projection as the basemap (EPSG:25832)
  • Ensure that the data being viewed is within the extents of the basemap
  • Give time for the basemap to load, I noticed this one is particularly slow to load
  • The Tile Matrix (Resolution) Option is currently set to 0 (the lowest resolution). If you increase this value it may affect load time for the basemap
  • When viewing your data in visual preview, ensure that you are zoomed in enough. I noticed when I viewed my data in visual preview, it was quite zoomed out and thus I couldn't see the basemap.


Let me know if that works for you! I'm here to help.


Stamen works 🙂

Did you test my link?

Could I make you test it in QGIS?

In QGIS the performance of specified WMTS in very fast.

Stamen works 🙂

Did you test my link?

@mathiku​ I tested the WMTS in QGIS and did notice that the performance is fast. This is definitely something that could be improved in future releases, as support for WMTS as a basemap was only just added in FME 2021.0

Stamen works 🙂

Did you test my link?

I'm looking forward to a future release - thanks for looking into it.

2021.2.2 still same issue. WMTS is super slow.

2021.2.2 still same issue. WMTS is super slow.

Hi @jaapvanboheemen​ I've filed an enhancement request to track this so that if a fix is release to improve the speed of WMTS background maps, we will notify you here. For your reference, the issue number is FMEDESKTOP-12484.


If you are looking to improve the speed WMTS base maps, one option is to lower the Tile Matrix as this has the largest effect on the load time.

Hi @jaapvanboheemen​ I've filed an enhancement request to track this so that if a fix is release to improve the speed of WMTS background maps, we will notify you here. For your reference, the issue number is FMEDESKTOP-12484.


If you are looking to improve the speed WMTS base maps, one option is to lower the Tile Matrix as this has the largest effect on the load time.

Hi Dan, thank you very much!
