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Why does FME output to a folder?

  • November 22, 2013
  • 2 replies




I´m pretty new to fme and am finding the fact that fme creates a folder to put output files in rather annoying.



If I make a simple format translation from FileA.tif to FileB.tif, then the output FileB.tif will be put into the directory with the same name FileB.tif/FileB.tif



I´m sure this is not necesary. Can I remove this behaviour?



Thanks for any comments,




2 replies

  • November 22, 2013



I was unable to reproduce this behaviour using FME2013 SP4.



How have you configured your Writer? Could it be that the destination dataset is a filename rather than a directory name?



Have you defined an attribute or dataset fanout, perhaps?




  • Contributor
  • November 22, 2013
When  u insert a writer for Tif's the interface asks for a dataset. In case of tifwriter this is a directory. Featuretype is the actual filename.


So if u disable fanout and enter FileB.tif as data set and then name featuretype FileB.tif, u indeed end up with FileB.tif.FileB.tif.


I tried this out and ended with a file bla.tif in derctory bla.tif:


H:\\My Documents\\bla.tif\\bla.tif



It is therefore your behaviour that needs the change..;)



(if u would do ie excel or autocad, this dataset would be the .xls(xlxxs) or .dwg and feature types would be tab(excel) or layers (autocad).


In case of excel u then would have a sheet called FileB.tif whit a tab called FileB.tif etc.



The writer in fme2012 has the fanout activated by default and set to basename, wich is name of last transformer prior to writing wich operates on the output file (in my case the last was an imagerasterizer so i got H:\\My Documents\\bla.tif\\ImageRasterizer.tif).





Check out the advanced settings on your writer: writer>paramaters>advanced


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