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I'm having a hard time getting SQLExecutor to interpret a SQL string from published parameters. However if I paste the exact same string directly into the transformer it executes without problem. Any ideas why???



The WHERE clause looks like this when i execute the workflow



WHERE ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=32633;POLYGON ((183044.6766 6488587.2041,172720.1045 6526144.3677,205500.5582 6546330.9112,215416.0671 6503714.6016,183044.6766 6488587.2041))'),the_geom32633) and date >= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_from)') and date <= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_to)



And the Error is:



Error executing SQL query: .............................edited ]


WHERE ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=32633;POLYGON ((183044.6766 6488587.2041,172720.1045 6526144.3677,205500.5582 6546330.9112,215416.0671 6503714.6016,183044.6766 6488587.2041))'),the_geom32633) and date >= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_from)') and date <= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_to)') LIMIT 1'):



'ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type date: "$(date_from)"


LINE 1: ...32633) and date >= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_fr...




The string is published via a published parameter of type Choice with Alias as i have four different queries that one should be able to choose from.




Any help would be much appreciated.



Regards Stian


Its possible that you do not get hold of the Published parameter from within the SQLExecutor? What about using a ParameterFetcher first to get the attributes (and check that you have gotten the attributes in the Inspector)? 



Ellers hadde det vært greit å se på en enkel demo-workspace med kun dette problemet?



Good answer that got me on the right track. The WHERE clause contains a PostGIS function to pass on "date" as a integer to the DB - this then fails since the SQLExecutor isn't able to get hold of the value from the published param. A parameter fetcher placed before the SQLExecutor did the trick.



