I'm having a hard time getting SQLExecutor to interpret a SQL string from published parameters. However if I paste the exact same string directly into the transformer it executes without problem. Any ideas why???
The WHERE clause looks like this when i execute the workflow
WHERE ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=32633;POLYGON ((183044.6766 6488587.2041,172720.1045 6526144.3677,205500.5582 6546330.9112,215416.0671 6503714.6016,183044.6766 6488587.2041))'),the_geom32633) and date >= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_from)') and date <= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_to)
And the Error is:
Error executing SQL query: .............................edited ]
WHERE ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=32633;POLYGON ((183044.6766 6488587.2041,172720.1045 6526144.3677,205500.5582 6546330.9112,215416.0671 6503714.6016,183044.6766 6488587.2041))'),the_geom32633) and date >= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_from)') and date <= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_to)') LIMIT 1'):
'ERROR: invalid input syntax for type date: "$(date_from)"
LINE 1: ...32633) and date >= driftsutslipp.date_to_int(date '$(date_fr...
The string is published via a published parameter of type Choice with Alias as i have four different queries that one should be able to choose from.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Regards Stian