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Hi everyone :)



I have (another!) newbie question. I'm attempting to set up a workbench whose purpose is to do attribute validation/checking between a shapefile and a feature class in an ESRI SDE geodatabase.



What I need to do is compare attribute existence and some key properties (attribute name/alias/data-type/precision/length etc) between the two datasets. If the attributes/properties are the same, then proceed with some further processing of the shapefile, but if they are different to end processing and generate a basic log-like tabular/text based output detailing the differences.



Is there a particular methodology that can easily acheive this? So far I'm struggling to understand the best way to set up a flow of transformers that collects and examines attribute properties of feature type(s) (as opposed to attribute values on a per feature basis).



Any ideas/suggestions appreciated :)





For this case I would look at the schema readers to extract the schema properties before comparison.


Hope this helps. 
Yes, the key thing is to use the SchemaReader, and set it up to read schema from one of your datasets, and then use another to get the other schema. Then you can use things like the Matcher to compare the key things you want compared.  I'd use the Logger to see exactly what information is coming through from the SchemaReader as well.
