I have two Oracle spatial tables that are carbon copies of each other, both contain an attribute KL_CODE of Oracle type "CHAR (10 CHAR)". When I use an Oracle Spatial Object reader, it reads this attribute as "CHAR (40)". This is the byte size of "10 CHAR" so only half incorrect, it seems :)
When running a workspace that copies all data from the input table to the output table, the error I get is ORA-12899: value too large for column "&SCHEMA]"."&TABLE]"."KL_CODE" (actual: 40, maximum: 10). This happens on the 1st feature, for which KL_CODE contains the value "O00007 " (note the spaces).
I have tried: AttributeTrimmer, SubstringExtractor, changing attribute type on input and output table to "CHAR(10)", nothing so far changes the error. Version is FME 2015.1, Oracle 11
Thanks in advance!