This is error message on the FME server.
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Connection failed. Connection string `Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;Data Source=gis02;Initial Catalog=nlpglive;Integrated Security=SSPI'. Provider error `(-2147467259) Cannot open database "nlpglive" requested by the login. The login failed.
However, on the desktop I almost the same error when I try to list the tables in the above database
Server 2012 Native Client...
Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Connection failed. Connection string `Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;Data Source=gis02\\sqlexpress;User ID=;Password=********'. Provider error `(-2147217843) Invalid authorization specification'
However, when I test the connection it is OK and successful
If I use a reader or writer I can see all the tables !
Any ideas? I have tried SQL Authentication for various local and domain accounts still the same issue.