Hi all - Total FME noob here. I appreciate any assistance or advice you can offer... I am attempting to load a shapefile (https://healthyplacesindex.org/data-reports/) to SQL server. I can view this file in Data Inspector (uses CS_NAME: NAD83.CA/Teale). This file contains census data (with map polygons) for California (which I understand commonly has self-intersectors). I am getting errors when attempting to load this to a MS SQL (SSMS 18). The Writer throws many warnings but no errors. It appears to complete successfully, but no records are written to the SQL table it created.
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Coordinate system `NAD83.CA/Teale' (EPSG:3310) unknown to SQL Server; Labeling features as LL-WGS84 instead
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Failed to get the SQL Server native binary form for column 'GEOG'
I am currently looking into adding a transformation for Geometry Validator, but I am hesitant to "correct" content if I don't know what I am doing.
Thanks, again, for your patience and advice.