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I have a shapefile where some connected lines have to get connected and merged into one feature.


However, it seems like there is a problem in my use of LineCombiner and MRF2DJoiner.

Here is my shapefile :

Attached : a picture of a linear feature who has passed through the LineCombiner but still divided in 2 llines altough there are both connected.


Thank you.

Is it possible that there are minuscule rounding errors between the line connections?

Before the LineCombiner, try inserting a Snapper with a suitable tolerance, set snapping mode to "End point snapping" and see if that makes a difference.

Is it possible that there are minuscule rounding errors between the line connections?

Before the LineCombiner, try inserting a Snapper with a suitable tolerance, set snapping mode to "End point snapping" and see if that makes a difference.

I tried so but it's not working


Lines are connected



I tried so but it's not working


Lines are connected



How are the lines oriented? Have you set "preserve original orientation = No" in the LineCombiner?


Have you set a Group By?
How are the lines oriented? Have you set "preserve original orientation = No" in the LineCombiner?


Have you set a Group By?
I don't know how lines are oriented


I've tried preserve original orientation with yes and no


i didn't set a group by


here is my shapefile :



I don't know how lines are oriented


I've tried preserve original orientation with yes and no


i didn't set a group by


here is my shapefile :



No sure why, but I'm unable to open the .rar file.
I don't know how lines are oriented


I've tried preserve original orientation with yes and no


i didn't set a group by


here is my shapefile :



Here is a zip file


