
Launch FME using Visual Basic

  • 13 May 2014
  • 1 reply

Rather than have our users learn the FME interface, I would like to launch an FME model from within Microsoft Access.  I assume that there is a way to do this using Visual Basic.  Any Pointers?



(The user will populate model parameters in Access which will store the parameters as entries in linked configuration tables stored in SQL Server.  My idea is that the user can use Access to populate teh parameters and then launch FME (using a VBA event procedure).  FME will then read the appropreate database entries and will also write the (profiling) results to the SQL Server database for the Access you to review).

1 reply

Userlevel 5



your question has two parts:


  1. How to execute an external program from VB.NET: There are lots of examples to be found with Google, such as this (
  2. How to run FME on the command line, specifying published parameters: When executing a workspace inside FME Workbench, scroll to the very top of the log window, where you will see exactly how to re-run the workspace on the command line, with your current user parameters.
Hope this helps.



