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Label Creation

  • 25 January 2013
  • 4 replies



I want to create labels for facility buildings with their respective names. I can use label point replacer to create these but the trouble is the labels are overlapped. If I want to assign offset when overlap occurs how can I do that? Also, is there any way I can introduce carriage return say after every two words and create labels based on that?


Thanks in advance.





4 replies

Badge +19
Surkul - It's tricky but achievable if you check for feature overlaps after placement and then if _overlap is >1 send the labels to an offsetter. This might be a case for a looping Transformer to keep checking until there is no clash:



For return lines assuming you can split your label text with a delimiter such as a space (AttributeSplitter) you should be able to put the label list elements through the StringConcatenator and the StringConcatenator has the option to add return lines.



However, this extra cost Transformer does now exist and if you have to do a lot of labelling it may be worth taking a look:





Userlevel 1
Badge +24
Just for curiosity - what is your desired output? A raster or PDF?
Thanks Dave


Youtube video I cant access on work's network but I will try it home.


I was actually thinking on the same line as you have suggested. 


@sigtill I am trying that for vector not pdf or raster.




Userlevel 5
Badge +13
Hi Surag,



Suggest checking out the MaptextLabeller -- -- there are videos there showing what it can do.  Contact if you'd like a trial license -- I think this could make your problem go away very quickly...
