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Hi All, 



I have a pipe network that has been cut in arbitary locations along its length. i need to join sections of pipe together that have the same diameter and bearing (angle to north). The data just shows it cut into sections, where in reality (in the ground) its one piece of pipe.



I have used the azimuth calcuator to calc the bearing of each pipe section. i have then used a spatail relator (TOUCHES) to establish the pipe sections at either end of my candidate pipe and their bearing and ID's.  



Im struggling how to proceed from here. How do i join 2 or more sections that pass my tests together (same diameter, same bearing). The pipe secitons dont have any common ID ?



I do have IDs of what pipes are at either end of my candidate pipe. ie excuse my diagram



    A           B          C          D


--------I----------I---------I---------     should end up like











Many Thanks for your assistance



ps my diagram got formatted strangely. A,B,C,D are meant to indicate each pipe section of the pipe to join







If the pipes are represented as line geometry features and each pipe has its diameter and azimuth as attributes, the LineJointer with "Group By = diameter, azimuth" might help you.



Thanks Takashi , that sounds like a great plan. The only issue maybe if there are other pipes in the network that have (by chance) the same diameter and azimuth but are say 5km away. i wonder if then looking at mulitpart features might help me. 



I will see how i get on and report back./ 



Thanks again



Hi Steve,



Why not use the spatial relator result (touches) in the group by ? that way only segments that touch, have the same azimuth and diameter will be joined.




> The only issue maybe if there are other pipes in the network that have (by chance) the same diameter and azimuth but are say 5km away.



Don't warry about this. The LineJoiner does not join detached lines even if those have the same group attribute value.



