Hi! I am quite new to FME, and worked my whole career so far with ArcGIS. Some things are quite easy in ArcGIS, but super confusing in FME (and vice versa). My problem is this:
I have 2 shapefiles, both with many points. Of the points in shapefile A, I need to find for each point the top 5 closest point features in shapefile B (up to a maximum distance), and also know what the distance is between these points. Furthermore, I need the attributes of both shapefiles to merge.
In ArcGIS this is incredibly easy, I just use 'point distance' and state the 'input' features (Shapefile A) and near features (Shapefile , and set the maximum distance. It then automatically give me how far points in Shapefile A are form Shapefile.
How do I do this in FME? The Neighborfinder seems like the tool I should use (shapefile A = base, Shapefile B = candidates), but I can't get it to work and it rejects all features (yes, it is in the same coordinate system, and both are point shapefiles).
Help is very much appreciated, thanks.