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Hi All,


Can anyone advise how to install the python osgeo library into FME's Python. I've inherited a workbench that use these via PythonCaller, but at some point that FME version was removed and a new one installed so whatever was done to the Python install of FME has gone.








that depends entirely on how the osgeo installer works, as there are several installer types in use with different prerequisites. For a lot of use cases you can follow this:



For the cases where this isn't possible, I recommend that you download and install a free-standing version of Python (from that matches the one delivered with FME (usually version 2.7). You then configure FME to use this Python interpreter (see:, where you finally install your 3rd party modules.





Hi David,


    Thanks for that. I didn't manage to find the first link during my searches. The downside to this method is - I don't seem to actually be able to find the Python osgeo package downloadable online. 😕 I guess it came with the OSGeo4W installer maybe. Hmmm.








    I've tried the second method, with a confirmed working install of Python 2.7 (already installed) that has the package installed within it.


    Problem is, FME fails to run when using this method:




    2015-01-14 17:02:15|   1.5|  0.0|ERROR |The User-specified library C:\\Python27\\python27.dll could not be loaded


2015-01-14 17:02:15|   1.5|  0.0|INFORM|Using user-specified Python interpreter from C:\\Python27\\python27.dll


2015-01-14 17:02:15|   1.5|  0.0|FATAL |A Python installation could not be detected. PythonFactory could not initialize





Finally, from ( (I figured I'd give it a try on Desktop)) I've also tried to copy and paste the module directory from the 2.7 install into the FME Python directory. but this just gives me a different error again:


2015-01-14 17:06:19|   2.8|  0.1|ERROR |Python Exception <ImportError>: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.



So all in all, I'm afraid I remain very confused. :-(


Any thoughts on any of these?







could it be that your installation of Python 2.7 in C:\\Python27 is a 64-bit version? You will need a 32-bit version of Python for 32-bit FME.




Hi David,


Good thought. I don't know the python version, so tested against both FME versions:



FME 32bit error:


2015-01-14 17:25:20|   1.6|  0.0|ERROR |The User-specified library C:\\Python27\\python27.dll could not be loaded


2015-01-14 17:25:20|   1.6|  0.0|INFORM|Using user-specified Python interpreter from C:\\Python27\\python27.dll


2015-01-14 17:25:20|   1.6|  0.0|FATAL |A Python installation could not be detected. PythonFactory could not initialize







FME 64bit result:


2015-01-14 17:26:29|   1.5|  0.0|INFORM|Using user-specified Python interpreter from C:\\Python27\\python27.dll


2015-01-14 17:26:29|   1.5|  0.0|INFORM|Python version 2.7 successfully loaded


2015-01-14 17:26:29|   1.6|  0.1|WARN  |Warning: not all FMESessions that were created were destroyed before shutdown.  This may cause instability


ImportError: No module named site



and then the translation ends with nothing else in the log!



So it may be 64bit, but I'm just getting a different error! :-(


Thoughts still welcome! :-)







you should check the version by double-clicking on python.exe and see what it says:





Yup, 64bit:



Enthought Python Distribution --


Version: 7.2-1 (64-bit)



Python 2.7.2 |EPD 7.2-1 (64-bit)| (default, Sep 14 2011, 11:25:00) :MSC v.1500 6


4 bit (AMD64)] on win32


Type "packages", "demo" or "enthought" for more information.
There you have the explanation.



32-bit FME needs 32-bit Python.



Alas no. Remember that 64bit FME with 64bit python was giving me this; which is arguably even worse because it's failing without saying it's failing.



  FME 64bit result:


2015-01-14 17:26:29|   1.5|  0.0|INFORM|Using user-specified Python interpreter from C:\\Python27\\python27.dll


2015-01-14 17:26:29|   1.5|  0.0|INFORM|Python version 2.7 successfully loaded


2015-01-14 17:26:29|   1.6|  0.1|WARN  |Warning: not all FMESessions that were created were destroyed before shutdown.  This may cause instability


ImportError: No module named site



and then the translation ends with nothing else in the log!

Hi David,


Thanks for the information.


After further testing:


- Issue happens with both 32bit and 64bit.


- Anaconda Python gets the exact same error as Enthought.


- The "site" module is loaded and works fine when I use python.exe in my install and then "import site".



I did manage to find an OSGEO package, but the method from the link - - doesn't work because it seems end up trying to compile the OSGEO thing.



So, I'm afraid I seem to be no closer to finding the solution to this issue than I was when I started this.


Any thoughts welcome!







you probably need to find a pre-compiled version of osgeo.



If it's GDAL you need, have a look here for a starting point:



