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I would like to transpose the attached data structure. I have tried using the attribute transposer without luck.
The attached excel has the input structure and the desired output.
Many Thanks,

Create a list with ListBuilder (Group By: ID), and feed it to the custom transformer ListKeyValuePairExtractor from FME Hub. Finally expose the new attributes with the AttributeExposer. See the attached workspace (FME 2020.0)

fmetransposeNote: ListKeyValuePairExtractor uses Python under the hood.

Create a list with ListBuilder (Group By: ID), and feed it to the custom transformer ListKeyValuePairExtractor from FME Hub. Finally expose the new attributes with the AttributeExposer. See the attached workspace (FME 2020.0)

fmetransposeNote: ListKeyValuePairExtractor uses Python under the hood.

Thanks geomancer! It works like a charm.
